Be part of innovation


The Circular Textile Days offers several opportunities for sponsoring and partnership. With your contribution, we can raise awareness about the event, our network and circularity among a larger audience for a sustainable world! Are you interested in being connected with thé circular textiles platform? Check the possibilities.

Yvette Watson PHI Factory at Experts stage at Circular Textile Days
kringels geel

Key partners

Logo Modint
Logo Centexbel
Logo FTN
Logo NEN

Business partners

Logo Interreg Circtex
Logo Sustainability Talks Istanbul
Logo Enterprise Europe Network - EEN
logo Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland - rvo
Logo The Loop Factory
Logo FashionExperts
logo Clean & Unique
Logo CreativeNL
Logo bni

Media partners

logo Fashion United
Logo ecotextile news
logo Duurzaam Ondernemen
kringels roze